To: Clergy and people of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts
From: Bishop Gordon P. Scruton and Bishop Elect Douglas J. Fisher
have been blessed by God's presence at work in our General Convention
amid the pressures of many challenges facing our church and world.
was a great joy to experience Confirmation from the House of Deputies
and the House of Bishops of our election of Doug Fisher as our next
Bishop. We are now free to proceed with his Ordination and Consecration
on December 1st. Doug and Betsy will be moving to the Diocese in the
middle of September to begin their ministry among us.
General Convention, our church authorized a provisional rite and
accompanying resources for blessing same-sex relationships. As your
Bishop and Bishop Elect, we will encourage parishes who chose to do so,
to use this provisional rite beginning on the First Sunday of Advent,
2012. Our Church has prayed, debated and sought guidance for this
decision for a number of years. Same gender couples, committed in love,
may now be blessed to enter into a life-long covenant of fidelity with
one another and the Living God.
In the next several months we will consult with members of our diocese
and develop details of a way forward so that clergy and congregations
who choose to do so, may help couples celebrate this commitment with
soulful discernment and faithful preparation.
recognize that in most congregations there are people who have been
eager for our church to provide a liturgy for same-sex blessings and
also some who cannot in conscience support same-gender blessings. The
resolution says that "(no person) should be coerced or penalized in any
manner...(for) conscientious objection to or support for this
resolution." Our desire is to continue to respect and value the
comprehensive diversity of theological perspectives that has been our
character as Anglicans, recognizing that none of us and no group among
us knows the full mind of God or has the definitive interpretation of
was truly remarkable about the debate on this resolution in the House
of Bishops was that almost all of the conservative bishops who spoke
against this decision began by saying how much they appreciated the
respect shown for them and their perspective in the resolution and in
the process of developing the resolution. This was a decision reached
in the context of respectful, grace-filled relationships and without
humility we seek to focus on Christ and let Christ and God's mission
hold us together in our differences, as we kneel together to be
nourished at God's altar week by week. In humility we will also seek to
maintain close and respectful relationships with those in the Anglican
Communion and with our Ecumenical partners who differ from the direction
discerned by our General Convention. May Christ hold us all together
and continue to guide us for the sake of God's mission in this
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