Wednesday, July 4, 2012

We are here and it is hot

Evangelism committee met this morning 8 to 12. We had hearings on several resolutions. One dealing with the establishment of mission enterprise zones called for a budget of one million dollars. Dioceses could apply for matching grants up to $20,000. Another called for  campus ministry in community colleges which have a more diverse population than the traditional four year institutions. The most passionate debate occurred in our late afternoon session. The resolution called for the restoration of  $300,000 for EYE an episcopal gathering for young people which was cut from the budget by executive council. According to testimony this was a life changing event for many young people. 

At noon I had a brief lunch and then listened to hearings from Program Budget and Finance. The room could not accommodate the crowd which spilled out in the hallway.

The PB and President of the house of deputies addressed the house in the afternoon.  Following this was orientation to the rules of the house and instructions in the use of our hand held voting devices.

Our Bishop was presented to the Committee for the Consecration of Bishops. The committee recommended the HOD approve the resolution confirming his election. The house should act on this later in the week

Below you see some of our deputies Beth Washburn, Beth Baldwin, Meredyth Ward and Debbie Harmon Hines on the floor of the HOD
The Rev Doctor Gregory Straub, Secretary of HOD known for his daily fashion statements. This one an homage to our host city
Program Budget and Finance hearings

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